Cartoons im Internet. Jede Woche neu. LACHHAFT - Das Cartoonblog mit Frischegarantie. Lustiges zu Themen wie Weihnachten, Ostern, Hochzeit und Alltag. Von Michael Mantel. Wie einsam ist eine einsame Insel? Kann man unter Wasser rauchen? Warum braucht der Weihnachtsmann eine Bremse und wohin mit der vielen Bodylotion? Fragen, auf die das LACHHAFT-Cartoonblog eine Antwort weiß.
Ok, usually I don‘t explain the jokes, because it doesn‘t make them more funny. So this is just for the canadians :)
It seems as if that guy in red is about to have a very bad day, because selling water wings doesn‘t make sense in an area where sharks are about to eat them.
Hmmm...I must say (and I dont say this easily), I do not get it...:(
AntwortenLöschenOk, usually I don‘t explain the jokes, because it doesn‘t make them more funny. So this is just for the canadians :)
AntwortenLöschenIt seems as if that guy in red is about to have a very bad day, because selling water wings doesn‘t make sense in an area where sharks are about to eat them.
Got it now? Have a nice day!